I am rising at five o’clock, showering and getting dressed a little earlier than usual, and then sitting for close to an hour with coffee and thoughts.
The great white faces of the flowers are waiting near the leather love seat where I park myself, sometimes prayer book open on my lap.
I turn on the floor lamp, and I read verses from the psalms that can stay with me for the hour:
If you find your delight in the Lord,
he will grant your heart's desire. (Psalm 37)
Summer is approaching.

Photo of Oriental lilies from White Flower Farm
Thanks to a friend who is a member of a lily society, I used to grow lilies of many varieties.
They have a powerful odor - I think it would be hard to meditate having them around as they would be overpowering.
Three stems in a room with a consistently open window -- these lilies have not been overpowering with their scent or distracting during times of prayer and reflection.
The message may be that there will be times of heady sweetness in any life. Praying through those times can be as important as praying through the times of struggle and discernment.
I too love my morning ritual...the intentionality of it...moving through one piece and another to get to the waiting, open time to think nothing more or less than what presents itself for considering.
Funny, but sometimes I look forward to not knowing what will come...sometimes it's inspired by things with-out (like beauty or flowers) and sometimes by things with-in...
Enjoy the fleurs, friend.
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