Monday, July 11, 2016

The Seasons with Edwin Way Teale

Will it ever happen?
Will I ever get there?
Will I ever see it? Will I ever stand in front of it?
Will I ever reach that point?
Will I ever know what it sounds like and feels like?
Will I ever…

Will it ever happen again?
Will I ever get there again?
Will I ever see it again? Will I ever stand in front of it again?
Will I ever reach that point again?
Will I ever again know how it sounds and how it feels?
Will I ever again…

If it happens again, will it be at all the same?
If I get there again, how might it be different?
If I see it again, can it ever be the same?
If I stand in front of it again, how different will it be?
If I reach that point again, will I be different?
As long as I experience again how it sounds and how it feels,
does it really have to be the same?

Isn’t it the nature of things regularly to look different and sound different?

Isn’t it the nature of things to want to be there again?


Anonymous said...

Vous avez eu Orlando et nous nous avons Nice depuis hier soir . Quelle tristesse !
J'ai lu que Teale a fait un long voyage à travers les E.Unis en suivant les changements de saison ,ce que vous montrez avec vos photos .

Jo d'Avignon .

Anonymous said...

What has happened since July 11 to me and to you has been astounding, unforeseeable, and wonderful beyond belief.

I would bet that we WILL go there--my first time, but "again" for you--and that it will be different. You will be going with your husband. It will, I'm guessing, be richer and deeper in ways that couldn't been described or foreseen.