The seeds of that expectation had been sown during the summer. On an evening of retreat, I had walked beside a pond and berated God for playing with my heart at times. It was an unusual stance for me to take in prayer. In response, I distinctly heard a question posed within: “What do you want?” The question seemed to come from that place in my heart where I usually listened for God's guidance or comfort.
Through the season of Advent I had copied down sayings that came from that place during my evenings of prayer. This winter’s early Lent sent me back into those evenings. With the great feast of Pentecost this past Sunday, I typed out the sayings I had collected in my prayer book since Ash Wednesday. I present them here in the event that they speak to others who are readers of Writing Cabin.
You need this.
You need me.
February 6, Ash Wednesday
There’s no problem here.
February 8
Not yet, not yet, not yet.
February 11
What you do matters.
I want you to be happy.
February 15
This you will always have.
Me you will always have.
February 22
This isn’t about how, it’s about yes.
February 23
Nothing has to get done.
Sip each day’s peace.
March 1
Rest. Don’t figure this out.
March 7
I want you wholly awake.
March 10
What is your heart’s desire?
March 11
Let me be the joy in your heart –
believe in my guidance.
March 15
You’re not the only one
who wants what is good for you.
April 12
All love is well given.
Take it all.
April 21
Say thank you.
May 4
Lazarus, come forth!
May 10
Two Warm Trees by Willoughby Elliott from Harrison Gallery
Oh to be as faithful, and open, and listening as thou art.
Good words, good listening. Blessings on your journey. Don't try to "get there", just go. It's in the going, not the getting.
Dear Friend...
I love the painting of the trees!! A friend and I have spoken much about trees lately...and likened some recently shared experiences to sharing a sturdy branch in a beloved tree, tucked away in each other's company, removed from some of the craziness. These two look like they would be welcoming choices.
May I borrow the gifts of April 12th and 21st as I listen for May 10th?
Such rich responses from you both. Thank you! And such different images springing from your pens -- going on a journey and and sharing a tree branch with a friend.
In both images, though, there is the invitation to enjoy this precise but random moment and to lap up what is offered to us.
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